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The nutrition label for building products

Declare is part of the International Living Future Institute’s (ILFI) suite of programs that catalyse a socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative future. This trusted public database and product labelling program answers 3 key questions:

  1. Where does the product come from?
  2. What it is made of?
  3. Where does it go at the end of its life?

Materials selections and product transparency have emerged as increasingly crucial factors in the regenerative building movement, circular economy and human and environmental health, through design, specification, product manufacturing and supply chain transparency.

What is a Declare Label?

A Declare label displays compliance (or otherwise) with the stringent criteria of the Living Building Challenge (LBC) Materials Petal and Healthy Interior Performance Imperative, which helps specifiers and clients make informed choices for healthier buildings. They can be likened to nutritional labels that make understanding product ingredients easier.

Demand for materials transparency and specifier interest in the makeup of products is increasing, helping to shift the supply chain. Transparency programs like Declare build knowledge and facilitate the transition to a healthier built environment.

Browse Australian Labels on the Declare database here.

Program Explanation

1. Declare is a voluntary self-disclosure program aiming to transform the building materials industry towards healthier and more ecological products through ingredient transparency.

2. Participating in Declare means the manufacturer has voluntarily self-disclosed all ingredients in the product in order to promote transparency.

3. “LBC Red List Free” means the product does not contain any ingredients on the Living Building Challenge’s Red List and has disclosed all intentionally added ingredients.

4. “LBC Red List Approved” means the product meets the requirements of the Red List Imperative of the Living Building Challenge due to a temporary Exception.

5. “Declared” means the manufacturer has disclosed all intentionally added ingredients, but the product contains one or more ingredients on The Living Building Challenge’s Red List.

How To Apply For a Declare Label

  1. Contact us (declare.australia @ to discuss your product’s specific application requirements and register for LFIA membership to get access to our application system.
  2. Collate your product ingredients into a Bill of Materials including every intentionally added ingredient at or above 100ppm (0.01%), together with VOC emissions certificate and FSC CoC documentation as applicable. Check out Declare database entries for other similar products to see how the information displays.
  3. Submit your application through an online system. We’ll provide a step-by-step guide to the process and there’s also an online help chat.
  4. Your application is reviewed and any missing information is identified. Once all the required information has been provided, a label is created.
  5. The label is published to the online database and you’ll receive an invoice for the label fee. Both the label and your membership need to be renewed annually.

Declare FAQ

How does a chemical get added to the Red List?

The Living Building Challenge (LBC) Red List represents the “worst in class” materials, chemicals, and elements known to seriously impact human health and the greater ecosystem, prevalent in the building products industry, which we believe should be phased out of production due to toxicity concerns. The International Living Future Institute (ILFI) worked with the Healthy Building Network and the Pharos Project to develop the original Red List in 2006, and new chemicals are added when research and information become available.

The LBC “Watch List” signals to manufacturers and project teams that certain chemicals and compound groups have been identified for potential inclusion in future versions of the LBC Red List. A chemical must be designated as a “Priority for Red List” for at least 12 months before it can be added to the Red List.

How long does a Declare label last for?

A Declare Label remains current for one year and can be renewed up to 2 months prior to the expiry date to remain in the database. We contact the manufacturer prior to expiry to check if there have been modifications to the product ingredients or formulation.

How long does it take to get a Declare label?

Timeframes depend on the complexity of your product and the accuracy of the information provided in your application. As a general guide, we suggest planning for 4-6 weeks from initial enquiry to a published label. Contact us for more information or to discuss a specific product: declare.australia @

Are healthy materials and the Declare database only relevant to Living Building Challenge project teams?

Healthy materials and product transparency are relevant to the entire building products industry, so that the buildings we create and occupy leave a positive legacy on the health of all living beings and the planet.

Can I apply for a Declare label if my product contains Red List chemicals?

Yes you can – the program is all about transparency and facilitating informed choices. Red List content displays in red text on the label and on the database entry. We would however encourage you to advocate for healthier alternative ingredients, and work towards eliminating harmful chemicals from your product and your supply chain. At least 90% of the products and materials specified for Living Buildings must be Red List Free.

If I achieve a Declare label for my product do I need to put an actual physical label on the product?

The label and information you’ve disclosed about your product, appear on the free public Declare database.  There is no requirement for a physical label on your product, however some manufacturers choose to include the Declare label / Red List Free logo on their product, packaging and website, to proudly signal this achievement.

How can I as a specifier make a big impact on the healthy materials revolution?

  • Take a deep dive, become knowledgeable on the Red List and adopt the Precautionary Principle – “Better safe than sorry”- by avoiding toxic content where possible and advocating for change.
  • Urge manufacturers of the products you specify to disclose the actual chemical registry numbers of the ingredients they contain.
  • Don’t take a manufacturer’s assurances for granted that the supply chain won’t disclose ingredients or that products don’t contain Red List – ask for evidence and recommend they join the Declare program.
  • Clearly state in specifications all parameters that are integral to your specified products and materials, to help embed researched selections into final designs, and to ensure that any substitutions are truly equivalent and don’t compromise the value-adds that healthy materials provide.
  • Design for longevity and recyclability, choose quality healthy local materials with recycled, biodegradable and/or carbon- sequestered content, that can be composted or salvaged/ reused at end of life.
  • Demand increases supply – ask the right questions to promote transparency and circularity.

Are there labs in Australia that can do the approved emissions testing?

Yes, we are aware that BELL Laboratories and CETEC in Australia carry out the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1-2010/ v1.2-2017 emissions testing or equivalent.  See the BELL Laboratories and CETEC Australia websites for contact details.

Note: The Declare Label displays compliance (or otherwise) with the stringent requirements of the Healthy Interior Performance Imperative of the Living Building Challenge (LBC).  To complybuilding products that have the potential to emit Volatile Organic Compounds AND are intended for installation within the building envelope (defined as the interior of the wall and roof vapour barrier) must provide a laboratory certificate of compliance with an Approved Product Emissions Standard.  For all Declare requirements, download the current Declare Manufacturer’s Guide 

Industry specifiers are asking for embodied carbon data, does a Declare Label include this information?

Yes it can! It is optional at this stage.  See the section on embodied carbon in the Declare Manufacturers’ Guide for requirements. 

See these listings for product examples of how embodied carbon is displayed on the Declare database.

What’s the difference between a Declare Label and the Living Product Challenge?

The Declare transparency platform shows where a product comes from, what it is made of and where it goes at the end of its life. VOC emissions need to be tested for interior products, and embodied carbon is an optional field. The Living Product Challenge (LPC) has seven performance areas, and the first step to LPC is having a Declare label. The Declare Summary and LPC Summary are useful resources that will help clarify. You can download the LPC standard here.  We’d love to have LPC products registered in Australia, so if you’re a manufacturer that’s up for the challenge, reach out to us to find out more! Project teams need to consider LBC Living Economy parameters when sourcing products.

Want to join the Declare program? Contact us!