The vision for a living future includes carbon positive buildings, materials that reverse the effects of climate change and support thriving local economies. The Zero Carbon Certification program is the roadmap to that future.
Zero Carbon Certification
Why Zero Carbon?
The built environment is responsible for approximately 40% of global carbon emissions and 50% of the world’s resource consumption.
But our generation’s greatest challenge is also an opportunity for the built environment to lead. To go further.
Reducing our sector’s emissions holistically and transitioning our buildings, infrastructure and cities to a regenerative future.

Zero Carbon Certification is the only performance-based carbon standard that addresses both emissions released during occupation (operational carbon) and emissions released during construction, including the manufacture and transport of materials (embodied carbon).
ILFI Zero Carbon Standard
Zero Carbom facilitates and catalyses progress towards carbon-positive by offering cost-effective strategies for decarbonisation, thereby future-proofing projects and retaining asset value in a post-carbon building industry.
- Projects first reduce operational energy use and embodied carbon emissions associated with building materials and construction, while introducing no new combustion.
- 100% of the operational energy use associated with the project must be offset by new on-site or off-site renewable energy.
- 100% of the embodied carbon emissions impacts associated with the construction and materials of the project must be disclosed and offset.
Energy efficiency targets need to be met over a 12-month performance period, and materials embodied carbon emissions must be less than an equivalent baseline.
Curious about how this aligns with Green Star? Here’s the Crosswalk.
For more information, download the Zero Carbon standard here.