Working for over 20 years at the intersection of strategy, governance and advocacy, she is renowned for bringing together diverse and dynamic people, with curiosity and empathy. Vanessa has worked across the public, private and for-purpose sectors – leading civic infrastructure projects, delivering public space activations, teaching as a sessional academic and mentoring emerging leaders.

The majority of her experience has been in the Tertiary Education sector which has allowed her to be involved in some significant and exciting projects, with considerable complexities around stakeholder engagement, governance structures, research and technology integration, working in occupied sites, and the implementation of sustainability initiatives.
Louise is passionate about the challenge of taking an idea or concept and being able to convert it into a real project. Louise looks forward to the day when the best sustainable practice becomes the norm through the design and construction process rather than a specialist area of interest.

Specialising in large scale mixed use urban regeneration projects with comprehensive sustainability, innovation and placemaking deliverables.
Kate has previously held roles in finance and sustainability and in her role as Development Director at Lendlease enjoys collaborating with and leading teams of diverse experience and expertise, utilising and promoting a values-based approach to leadership.

With an educational background in environmental science and sustainable design and professional experience in environmental health and sustainability consulting, Katie is passionate about implementing leading environmental design in new and renovated developments.
Her previous experience in Local Government also gives her valuable expertise in planning regulations, legislative requirements and the relevant Standards, Codes and Guidelines to sustainable design.
Katie’s extensive experience in sustainable design has led to a thorough understanding of the various options available for passive design and resource efficiency from an individual dwelling to precinct scale applications. Her exposure to high density mixed use precincts include the next generation of development in Sydney, namely Central Park, Discovery Point, Ivanhoe and Edmondson Park. These developments posed significant challenges, and Katie worked tirelessly and successfully to deliver on the multiple voluntary and regulatory requirements (e.g. Green Star, Section J of the NCC and SEPP/DCP requirements), precinct infrastructure solutions (e.g. precinct-wide central energy and recycled water treatment plant solutions) and client aspirations in a multi-disciplinary environment.

He has negotiated and drafted numerous voluntary planning agreements for private clients and the Minister for Planning, encompassing the provision of State infrastructure and biodiversity and riparian conservation for large residential and industrial subdivisions in Sydney and around NSW.
Robert also has experience drafting project cooperation agreements, project delivery agreements, & joint venture agreements for a range of large land development projects around the state. He has managed the divestiture of contaminated properties Australia-wide for international corporate groups.

He has extensive experience developing and embedding sustainability strategies into businesses across Australia, including leading real estate companies. Scott’s passionate about inspiring businesses and people to embrace a sustainable future, and believes the built environment plays an important role in showcasing what’s possible.
Scott is a strategic thinker and trained in GRI, SROI and Shared Value. He’s highly skilled at making sense of complexity and communicating social and environmental issues simply and effectively.

Haris Moriatis was a member of the LFIA Board and beloved sustainability professional. Please join us in remembering him here.